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Children Studying Alphabet

Sunday Hebrew

Discover, Create, and Celebrate: Your Adventure at Sunday Hebrew School

Welcome to our Sunday Hebrew School, a delightful blend of tradition, creativity, and fun designed for children ages 5 to 12. Our program is a journey of exploration into Jewish culture and history, filled with captivating stories that will kindle your child's curiosity and imagination.

Jewish Art Education segment invites young minds to express their creativity through the creation of Jewish-themed crafts, fostering a deep connection to their heritage in an enjoyable, hands-on way.

Hebrew Class simplifies the complexities of language learning with engaging lessons, nurturing not only literacy but a profound love for the Hebrew language.

In our Jewish History and Stories classes, children embark on a fascinating trip through time, understanding their roots, and forming a strong sense of identity.

We also celebrate the beauty and significance of Jewish holidays, making each a joyous, memorable experience. With our friendly and passionate teachers guiding each child's journey, Sunday Hebrew School becomes more than just education - it's an unforgettable adventure into the heart of Judaism.

To ensure a personalized and age-appropriate learning environment, the program is divided into two groups:

children aged 5-8 and those aged 9-12.

The next program starting on October 15, 2023. The journey culminates with a graduation celebration on June 16, 2024.


The cost of this immersive, enriching experience is $125 per child per month. Ask us for a sibling discount!

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